Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Pope's Solution to AIDS

The Pope is visiting Africa now, and speaking there about the many problems that plague that great continent.

One of the most troublesome problems is the prevalence of AIDS, a withering disease that is usually (but not always) transmitted by sexual contact. The easiest and most widespread preventive measure is the use of condoms. Where condoms have been widely distributed and have been easily available, the incidence of AIDS has dramatically decreased.

But the Pope is opposed to promoting the use of condoms in Africa as a means for preventing the spread of this life-threatening disease. His alternative solution?


Yes, His Holiness suggests that an entire continent become celibate. No more sex, no more physical love, no more children.

Why, one must ask, is the Pope so opposed to condoms? The answer seems obvious: for so many years the Roman Catholic Church has been opposed to any form of birth control (except abstinence, or the so-called "rhythm method"), and condom use was one of the most widely used contraceptive methods. One must suspect that it is only that long aversion to condoms as contraceptives that now colors the Catholic pontiff's rejection of a simple and effective method of preventing death for millions of Africans.

Another example of narrow-minded religious dogma causing human suffering.

Fortunately, most people ignore the pronouncements of the Pope. Thank God for that!

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